Place holder for ADMT and Active Directory migration related topics, in general: Microsoft sites: Best Practices for Active Directory Migration ADMT Guide: Migrating and Restructuring Active Directory Domains Active Directory Migration Tool versions and supported environments Others: ADMT Series
Author: wooway
PowerShell and CSV
Just collect a few articles about reading CSV with PowerShell. Read a Csv file with powershell and capture corresponding data Powershell read from CSV set variables Use a CSV File to Populate Parameters of PowerShell Cmdlets This one is more practical relate to AD account creation. Use PowerShell to Read a CSV file and Create…
Make a SharePoint site searchable or not searchable
Here are the steps to make a SharePoint site searchable in general: A simple PowerShell script that makes a SharePoint site not searchable: and a more complete PowerShell script:
PowerShell script to check ALL permissions for a particular user in a site collection (subsites/lists/libraries etc)
Check this solution. it is for sharepoint 2010 but should work also for sp2013 SharePoint 2010 Permission Report: Check Access Rights for a Specific User Refer to below given informative resources that might helps you to get this job done: SharePoint 2013 Permission Report: Find Access Rights for Specific User in Farm SharePoint 2013…
Migrate Active Directory from 2008r2 to 2012
Active Directory Schema Versions
Back to Active Directory …
PowerShell and connecting to SharePoint Online
via PowerShell and connecting to SharePoint Online Using PowerShell to Manage SharePoint 2013 Online:
New-AzureRmStorageAccount : The storage account named stor01 is already taken.
What is wrong? It’s not you, it’s Azure. Here is one explained “This is an unfortunate set of errors presented from the Azure side, but they are correct. Storage account names must be unique across all Azure accounts, not just your own, so someone else likely has the name.”
SharePoint 2013 – Cannot Access Site Permissions and/or Access Requests and Invitations in Site Settings
Use SharePoint Designer might be easier: • Open up the site collection in SharePoint Designer 2013 • Navigate to the Access Requests list, right-click and select Properties • Copy the List ID (including the opening and closing braces) • In the browser address bar, enter https:///_layouts/15/ListEdit.aspx?List={GUID}, and then press Enter. (a sample URL looks like…
“Sorry, you don’t have access to this page” to Site Permissions page in SharePoint 2013
If the site owner, who supposed to have full control, lost the permission to access the Site Permissions page, while everything else looks fine. The following could be a fix. “Access Denied” to Access Requests list or “Request approval failed” when you process a pending request in SharePoint Online Basically you have to reset the…