Linux Shell Commands – quick how-tos.
Author: wooway
[Repost] Add Connection Profiles to Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client
August 19, 2014 I enjoy the new VPN client, it’s small and fast, however I hated that you can’t save profiles in the drop down list like you could in the traditional VPN client. This has been bothering for a long time and kept finding conflicting information on if this was possible or not. Finally…
How to save storage space on an iPhone without deleting photos, with iCloud Photo Library
I tried this for a very short time. At first the update didn’t work, until I put it on the charger. But after all update, there is a problem besides the loading time from iCloud. I used to use Microsoft One Drive to backup the photos on iPad, after the switch, most recent photos are…
How to hard reset Sony NSZ-GS7 Google TV
My Sony Google TV suddenly became a brick last night, after my Sony e-reader became a brick a few months ago. It stopped responding, then I turned it off and on, it still showed the Sony logo and a few animation, after that only the bluish circle was spinning forever. I pulled off the power…
Open file error when start Excel
Recently, it must be after some sort of update pushed from the corporate server, whenever I open an Excel file or just start the blank Excel program, it gives me two errors. This is the first: Once I click OK, it gives me the second: This is…
Sound Recorder File Location in Windows 8.1
How to fix KMS error in Office 2013 Activation
First of all assume that your KMS is functional, having Office 2013 key installed. Also the client is able to reach the KMS server on port 1688, and the setting in your internal DNS system is correct. You can check registry on the client for this: HKLM\Software\Microsoft\OfficeSoftwareProtectionPlatform\KeyManagementServiceName (REG_SZ) Here are the two commands you can…
The heart of the Internet is bleeding today.
Let me rephrase from an earlier statement. After checked a few articles, I do feel it is something quite serious to the Internet. But there is no need to be panic, unless you own some websites that need high security and manage sensitive customer credentials, and use OpenSSL (specifically version 1.0.1 that was released in…
10 things you should know about BLOB externalization in SharePoint
Source: JOPX on SharePoint, Windows Phone and Windows 8 Every file which is stored in SharePoint is stored in the SQL Server database as a Binary Large Object (BLOB). SQL database storage needs high IOPS (input/output operations per second) and low latency. This combination means that this is typically expensive storage. Around 95% of many…
Intel 530 SSD
Thinking about a SSD for an old laptop, HP 2000-208CA, just want to try if SSD can help in general usage like browsing Internet, viewing photos etc. Intel has its brand reputation, so no doubt after comparing other name brands like Samsung, Kingston, I narrowed down to Intel 530 series, which always has some promotion…