Operations Manager 2007 R2 Workshop
Day 1.
Scripts to schedule the maintenance mode – group of server, certain object,
distribution of Run As credentials..
Root Management Server - RMS cluster, only active/passive architecture. connecting to two DBs – operational DB (7 days, alerting) and data-warehouse (400 days, where reports from; 10 days of raw data that is not accessible).
Management Server – MS, Agents report to Management Server, MS writes to the above two DB at the same time. Limit a couple of thousands Agents per Management Server. Agent can point to primary and secondaries MS for redundancy (configurable using console, AD integration or PowerShell).
Web Console, which can be installed on RMS or MS. Health Explorer… they connect to the DBs.
Audit Collection Services (ACS) – forward security logs to a different DB for reporting… enable this on DC… it can also find where the account is locked out.
Reporting Server, connects to RMS, has its own report DB for reporting structure, and connects to above DBs.
DB servers should always be on same physical LAN. … infrastructure-wise could have performance issue since there are more writing than reading.
Above all components need Kerberos, otherwise needs Certificates, and need Gateway Server (Certs on both MS and GW). Gateway Server has Certs in case in DMZ there are 500 servers to monitor. (Although the Agent and GW still both need Cert.)
Version 2012 can monitor Network Devices.
Consoles – Operation Manager Console and Web Console.
Management Servers: pulling information from Agent
MS – Health Service… on client side: Agent+Management Pack… MS pings Agent every 60 sec, if 3 failures (4 minutes), it will flag Agent is down.
Between Agent and MS: TCP 5723; report TCP 5724. TCP 1433 between MS and SQL. Web console 51908. App Exception Monitoring; ACS …
AntiVirus software need Exclude the Health Service Store, which is JET database.
MS – DAS (Data Access Service), CS (Configuration Service).
Configuration Service update – Configuration Flow: 1, New config push and check DB-MS-Agent; 2, Every 12 hrs Agent-MS; 3, When Agent service restarts.
Agents – Agent Deployment – pushed from console; manual installation (SCCM etc).
Agent can be multi-home, 2 in v2007 and 4 in v2012, for special org scenario.
Agents require Kerberos v5; full trust (2 way) between domains; all data encrypted between Agent and MS.
Agent/Agentless (ie. ATM, POS; need agent proxy)
Certificates – momcertimport.exe
Gateway Servers (GW) .. GatewayApprovalTool.exe
Object – attributes, instance of Classes // Subset of Class could be a Group
Different classes have different Attributes. Attributes don’t change very often, because discovery uses resources on Agents and DB.
MOM2005 monitored servers, SCOM2007 doesn’t, … it looks after Applications.
Object Discovery – target classes, uses methods: Registry, WMI, script, OLE DB, LDAP, custom managed code.
Monitors – just evaluating, not store any data. have states (healthy, warning, critical, etc), intervals, and change of states are in the DB.
Monitor can create a new alert, also it can resolve itself if it’s back to healthy, sent email when resolve or even close the ticket (in Remedy).
Rules – monitors and store data to DB. … Rule cannot close the Alerts.
Collect data generated by objects, but has no state, does not affect health.
Both monitor and rule can trigger alerts, but they are different.
Health model of an Entity – availability, performance, security, configuration.
Authoring auto tuning, data in operational DB are kept 14 days.
Single threshold, double threshold.
Monitor auto-reset, manual-reset
SCOM Tools: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/dmuscett/archive/2012/02/19/boris-s-tools-updated.aspx
Day 2
Objects and Classes …
Rules and Monitors – Monitor auto alert resolution, Rule repeat count.
Diagnostics and Recovery tasks – single, multiple
Override: Discovery, Monitor, Rule.
Do NOT use Group as a target for Rules/Monitors. (groups exist in RMS, so MS are not aware.)
Update Management Pack …
Override: Class – Group – Instance – enforced .. more specific wins
Authoring Console: Distributed Applications
Authoring Toolset (MP Authoring)
1, Operation Console;
2, Visio MP Designer (Visio 2010 Premier) .. the is the start point to customization;
3, Authoring Console;
4, Visual Studio Authoring Extension
groups and overrides, etc.
Visio dashboard?
Day 4
Notification: Channel, Subscriber, Subscription.
Visio 2007 plug-in
Service level dashboard version 2.0
service level tracking